The coil of Golden Mask 1 is 28 см (11”) DD sized. It’s made of plastic as in its lower side it is poured on resin which makes the whole construction very heavy and air-proof. The coil is highly sensitive towards as small and big objects.
Additional coils
Golden Mask 1 can work with additional coils for DD 24 сm; concentric coil 24 сm; concentric coil 22X36 сm; DD 32 сm;
Smaller sized coils possess better sensitivity to smaller objects /such as coins/ and are preferably used in heavy mineralized and dirty soils /especially concentric soils/ Bigger coils /DD32 cm) are much sensitive to bigger objects and are suitable to be used for searching deeper buried objects, and possess 10-20% better sensitivity than DD 28 сm.
The package includes: – GoldenMask 4 PRO 18kHz– search coil 25×31 cm […]
The coil of Golden Mask 1 is 28 см (11”) DD sized. […]
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